16 June 2022

The value that eKompass brings to Tietoevry is priceless

Tietoevry is the Nordics' largest company for IT services with 24,000 employees in Norway, Finland and Sweden. The company has customers in around 90 countries worldwide. Tietoevry has a turnover of 3 billion euros a year and is a specialist in cloud services, data and software in a range of areas such as industry, the banking sector, healthcare and government authorities. Björn Enjebo is Head of fulfillment delivery Sweden at Tietoevry Connect. He is responsible for hardware at the company, i.e. computers and phones and other infrastructure that helps customers work in the cloud. Everything from purchasing to delivery and life cycle management.

- I have a previous relationship with eKompass because I have worked with some of the founders before. I have a lot of confidence in them in the field technically, but also in their enterprising way of working and ability to get things done, says Björn Enjebo.

The work started with a preliminary study with all involved stakeholders on what exactly needed to be fixed. Or if the truth be told, eKompass carried out many small feasibility studies and interviewed customer by customer to establish what changes were required in each individual case to fit into Tietoevry's strategy for all deliveries. The strategy for hardware deliveries where the margins are very small and it is important to keep costs down is clear: as few moments of human touch as possible. From ordering hardware to configuration and delivery to the customer, it is best if there are minimal manual steps. It will be the cheapest and most efficient. And soon, after nearly two and a half years of work, the goal is reached.

- We soon got all our customers into our webshop, which is a standardized order system. This has led us to greatly reduce our manual administration. We have five fewer people working on this, but we deliver more than we did before. In the long run, we therefore save money and it feels fantastic that we soon reached the goal and are done, says Björn Enjebo.

In addition to the obvious streamlining that eKompass's work has led to, they have also improved relations internally for Björn Enjebo's department.

- Things have become significantly better between us and other departments internally because we can really contribute with better system support and customer deliveries. The teams that worked directly with customers are more satisfied with us. In addition, they have been involved in the collaboration and have been asked about what they need, so the relationship within the company has improved. We have significantly fewer escalations regarding complaints than before, he says.

What could eKompass bring to Tietoevry that others could not?

- They bring great technical expertise within the systems we work in in terms of business to business and e-commerce. They have great technical project management skills, and very good contacts in that part of the industry. In addition, great knowledge and experience from previous assignments, he says.

Björn Enjebo likes to point to eKompass's many and clear strengths: driven, self-motivated, creative, communicative, clear, honest, open. He calls the collaboration "invaluable".

- Everything has gone much faster than if we had done it ourselves. Their knowledge and expertise have made the process better. Then they added value in that they are liked as people so they contribute to a good atmosphere in our team. It turned out exactly as we thought and wanted. EKompass delivered what was required and lived up to the desired picture, says Björn Enjebo.

Would you recommend others to work with eKompass?

- I would absolutely do that. For their competence, professionalism and efficiency. There is a whole in their competence and their way of being and socializing and with people. Furthermore, they have a very good and clear willingness to be open with their own intentions and ambitions. They show how we fit in as their partner. It will be a clear, simple and honest partnership, concludes Björn Enjebo, Head of fulfillment delivery Sweden at Tietoevry Connect

  • Tietoevry is the Nordics' largest company for IT services with 24,000 employees in Norway, Finland and Sweden.
  • The company has customers in around 90 countries worldwide.
  • Tietoevry has a turnover of 3 billion euros a year and is a specialist in cloud services, data and software in a range of areas such as industry, the banking sector, healthcare and government authorities.

Are you interested in how you can use eKompass? Consulting services? Drop us a line and we'll talk to you!

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