We optimize, automate and project manage your digital business journey

We specialize in streamlining and optimizing your digital processes, from strategy to implementation. With expertise in project management, system architecture and design, we strive to deliver superior quality and profitability. Our goal is to optimize the tools and processes used with the goal of ensuring the best possible results for each customer journey. Let us help you develop and achieve success.

Hur använder andra företag eKompass?

How do other companies use eKompass?

Get insights and inspiration about how other companies have achieved value with the help of eKompass services and expertise.

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This is how we help you manage, develop and understand your digital business based on the requirements your customers have

eKompass adapts technology to people. We help conversion-driven businesses in digital business to results and measurable added value. We listen and we create solutions - from advice to practical actions in the business.

Our Services

Sorts and serves large amounts of data in one and the same online tool

– with endless possibilities to filter, add logic and customizations to your needs.

Stop repetitive work

- Expert in cutting and pasting at maximum speed, between different systems. Even where other integrations are not possible.

Visualizes trends, facts, results and forecasts

- Investigate facts and other types of conversions and then make correct strategic decisions.

Our experts will help you on your digital journey

– to results and measurable added values. We listen and we give - from advice to practical contributions in the business.

If our customers are successful, we are successful

We have the skills, the compass and the energy. We take the time to really listen to our customers' needs and we always deliver that little bit extra.

The business started in 2020 with a series of beliefs and several of us have worked with this for as long as e-commerce has existed. Positioning ourselves as a prominent and trusted advisor in digital business was really simple. We do everything for our customers to succeed.

In progress at ekompass and our customers
Customers & partners

The balance between systems and the human being

The balance between systems and the human being


E-commerce becomes most successful and efficient when automations and systems can help people in the processes needed for e-commerce.

We at eKompass have extensive experience with implementations and changes around these types of integrations and system support and are happy to help you with guidance and project management.


All companies are different and have varying workloads and skills – and without people it is difficult to achieve a competitive advantage. We set up processes best suited and adapted to your particular business and for your staff. eKompass provides both temporary and long-term support with the right resources in the right place for you to have as a successful e-commerce as possible. Systems and people together create wonders.
Ödmjukhet och engagemang

Understanding and commitment

eKompass understands the challenges that exist and turns every stone to find solutions.

Our mission
Samlad kunskap från över 300 återförsäljare

Collective knowledge from over 300 resellers

We focus on developing the best solutions for our customers and build up an extensive knowledge base on a daily basis.

Our method
Över 100 års heltäckande erfarenhet

Over 100 years of comprehensive experience

Together, we have long and solid experience of e-commerce in the reseller, distribution and manufacturer levels.

Our experts
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